chinese new year 2024 wishes in chinese : 龙腾虎跃迎新春!欢欢喜喜送祝福!贺龙年吉祥如意,心想事成! (Lóngténg hǔyuè yíng xīnchūn! Huān huān xǐ xǐ sòng zhùfú! Hè lóngnián jíxiáng rúyì, xīn xiǎng shì chéng!)

恭贺新禧!歡慶龙年,福到吉祥! Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with these Chinese New Year Wishes!


chinese new year 2024 wishes in chinese : As the festive season approaches and the scent of fireworks fills the air, it’s time to celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year! 2024 marks the Year of the Dragon, a powerful and auspicious symbol of strength, good luck, and success.

Whether you’re gathering with loved ones, sending greetings to friends and family across the globe, or simply soaking in the праздни气氛 (jìxié qìfēn – festive atmosphere), sharing meaningful wishes is a beautiful way to connect and celebrate.

Here are some wishes you can use to spread joy and good fortune during the Year of the Dragon:

For Family and Close Friends:

  • 龙年大吉,万事如意!(Lóngnián dàjí, wànshì rúyì!) – Wishing you great luck in the Year of the Dragon and may all your wishes come true!
  • 步步高升,心想事成!(Bùbù gāoshēng, xīn xiǎng shì chéng!) – May you achieve success with every step you take and may all your dreams come true!
  • 龙腾虎跃,身体健康!(Lóngténg hǔyuè, shēntǐ jiànkāng!) – May you soar like a dragon and leap like a tiger with good health!
  • 合家团圆,幸福美满!(Héjiā tuányuán, xìngfú měimǎn!) – May your family be reunited and filled with happiness and harmony!

For Colleagues and Business Partners:

  • 龙马精神,事业腾飞!(Lóngmǎ jīngshén, shìyè téngfēi!) – May you have the spirit of the dragon and horse, and may your career flourish!
  • 财源广进,生意兴隆!(Cáoyuán guǎngjìn, shēngyì xīnglóng!) – May your wealth increase and your business prosper!
  • 合作愉快,共同进步!(Hézuò yúkuài, gòngtóng jìnbù!) – May we have a pleasant cooperation and progress together!
  • 恭贺新禧,财源滚滚!(Gōngxǐ xīn xǐ, cáoyuán gǔngǔn!) – Happy New Year and may your wealth roll in like waves!

For Anyone and Everyone:

  • 新年快乐,阖家幸福!(Xīnnián kuàilè, héjiā xìngfú!) – Happy New Year and may your whole family be happy!
  • 春风得意,万事顺心!(Chūnfēng déyì, wànshì shùnxīn!) – May you be pleased with the spring breeze and may all your wishes be fulfilled!
  • 龙年行大运,心想事成!(Lóngnián xíng dàyùn, xīn xiǎng shì chéng!) – May you have great luck in the Year of the Dragon and may all your dreams come true!
  • 年年有余,吉祥如意!(Niánnián yǒuyú, jíxiáng rúyì!) – May you have abundance every year and may all your wishes come true!

Don’t forget to add a personal touch! Include a short message about what you appreciate about the recipient, share a special memory you have with them, or express your hope for their happiness and success in the coming year.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, may the Year of the Dragon bring you joy, prosperity, and good health!

#ChineseNewYear #YearOfTheDragon #CNY2024 #GongXiFaCai #新年快乐 #龙年大吉 #春节 #阖家幸福


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